I was watching CNN yesterday for Barack Obama’s press conference. There were pundits before and after giving their opinions about the state of the economy. Once again, Social Security and Medicare were under attack. The professional politicians, who suckle the teat of public office, fattening their pockets at our expense, catering to corporate interests, have been trying to eliminate any and all programs that support the greater good. First and foremost on the list has always been Social Security and Medicare. These are certainly not the only programs under attack, or the last. The implied message is that anything that helps the populace is a bad program, mismanaged by big government, a lag on the economy, and the ruination of our liberties. At least that is what they want you to believe. The truth is that there is money in these programs that greedy investors want in their pockets.
Men like Carl Icahn have more wealth than ten average people could earn in a lifetime and it is not enough to satisfy them. I will use Mr. Icahn as a prime example of this bizarre level of greed that corporate investors and venture capitalists exhibit. Carl Icahn is currently worth 10.5 billion according to Forbes.com. His firm, Icahn Enterprises, purchases companies through mergers, acquisitions and hostile takeovers. Once a business is procured, the management (and a large portion of the workforce) is gutted from the organization, which is then sold at a profit. A sound business model you say? Is this the natural progression of a company per chance? Are we to assume that this is inevitable or even necessary for our economy to survive? What about the people who lose their jobs in the process? What about their families, retirement funds, their dreams? How much money is enough for Carl Icahn? Apparently, not enough and he will continue his path of destruction until all of the money that anyone ever sees will be owned by him.
Carl is not alone. There is a small cabal of venture capitalist kings who seek to dominate the planet through economic tyranny. They do not care about the plight of the elderly, the disabled, or the children in need. To them, individual responsibility takes center stage as a necessary code of ethics. This responsibility does not extend to these men who make and break industries. What they do is above the law, above ethics, above anything we would consider decent or humane. They are the true kings of the world. The rest of us will spend our lives toiling for wages doled out at their whim. If our efforts do not make us wealthy or secure our future retirements that is simply too bad. We did not make the right life choices, did not make the right connections or simply not worthy of anything more. Not everyone can be rich so pull yourself up by your bootstraps and deal with it. That is the meaning of self-responsibility as seen through the eyes of men like Carl Icahn.
The majority of us will work until we die or are unable to function. Little sympathy will be awarded us. This is the world that these men of economic tyranny are trying to create. Media moguls like Rupert Murdoch are re-educating us with programs of disinformation like the shows that cater to Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh. Many people now willingly vote against their own interests because they are uninformed and misinformed. We are taught from an early age that empathy and compassion are un-American. In some parts of the country, these are also considered unchristian. Programs like welfare, unemployment, social security, Medicare, and public education are constantly being attacked as wasteful. These services were created to elevate all people equally. This is for the common good. When our citizens are healthy, properly educated, and earn livable wages, America becomes stronger. That concept is what is under attack. The current ideology is that when corporations are strong, our nation is strong. Does anyone truly think that the US can be resilient if we become serfs to the private industries? Perhaps the Chinese model is not as attractive to the average American if he or she actually had to live at work, have rent and utilities deducted from their meager wages and never earn enough to move on. That is the Wal-mart model currently employed in their Chinese factories that manufacture all of their goods.
Government programs can become wasteful very easily. However, this waste has more to do with bureaucracy and local government than with the elusive Big Government” beast of Tea Party lore. Rather than eliminate these necessary programs, perhaps we just need to streamline them. There are ways of doing this without harming the recipients. We simply do not have the right people working on solutions. Give me a small team of people that I can hand pick. I guarantee we would devise five viable resolutions for any one issue. I am not part of the elite so this scenario would never come to fruition under the current power structure. A viable solution to Universal Healthcare is a single payer plan and electronic identification through retina or thump print recognition. A single payer plan would be harmful to companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield, while electronic identification would eliminate the care of any non-American. I could write up the entire program myself, but working in a bubble is not the best way to develop a universal solution. I would need industry representation, community activists, medical experts and a realistic budget proposal for the program. I could do it and a few very wealthy people would not be happy. That is when the disinformation campaigns would begin to bombard us with commercials, books, pundits on Sunday morning talk shows all telling us that the solution would be socialism, the end of America, an expansion of big government, and somehow unconstitutional.
The main concern about these programs right now is funding. We are in the middle of an economic crisis. The people who profited most from this monetary collapse are being insulated from the harsh realities of it. The men like Carl Icahn are allowed to continue their destructive activities as if no recession ever existed. We do not have enough money to do everything that we do as a nation. That is a fact. The solution being bandied about is to dismantle Medicare and Social Security. Ron Paul boldly stated what I have been saying for years (paraphrased here): “We can pay for social security very easily by changing our foreign policies. Instead of shelling out money to other countries, use it for Americans.” We spend Billions per year on Iraq, Afghanistan and several countries where we have troops stationed (like Germany and South Korea). Not to mention the foreign aid we give to countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and so on. Consider balancing the deficit and paying for necessary programs like Social Security by simply ending the two wars and consolidating our military posts and foreign aid packages. Problem solved! Except that there are people profiting from military spending. Current speaker of the house John A. Boehner was trying to propose the building of a spare engine for the F-35 fighter jet. This was thankfully voted down to save taxpayer money. GE Aviation, located in Boehner’s home state of Ohio, would have manufactured the engines. This is how corrupt politicians bilk taxpayers out of billions annually through military spending.
Slash military spending and use the money to build a solid foundation for America. Education should be our number one priority. A very close second should be our health care (preventive and corrective). Does everything need to be a profit-based commodity? Should we not care for each other? Isn’t national unity and federal/state/local community just as important as security? I believe it is more so.