Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Am Very Much Alone: A Poem

I am very much alone
No matter who is home
Friends and family gather round
While shivering drizzle fills the ground
Windy wisps of misty tears
Fleck my window’s taunting jeers

Swirling laughter I conduct
Through symphonies of comic pluck
My guests enjoy the revelry
My wretchedness they fail to see
So to this act the part I play
Until my darlings go away

My house is quiet¬–calm–serene
Darkness seals my soul obscene
My loved ones melt into their dreams
My mind is filled with miserable fiends
I should retire and hold my wife
But I’m too filled with nervous strife

I pace the room, my search compelled
Yet nothing sates, madness impelled
The fiend Seppuku tempts my heart
And begs the pain of life depart
I’m ever tempted to embrace
Death’s angelic smiling face

Misty dawn now breaks the spell
Of nighttime’s bitter darkness swell
Yawning kids now fill my view
Joyous heart aches all anew
Until the darkness returns again
To tempt my heart to mortal sin